Silo Sunset

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Silo Sunset

Driving home one evening, I spotted an abandoned farm I haven't come across yet. I stopped and checked out the farm, and when I turned to leave, I spotted this sky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lapstrake, I live a mile from Montrose harbor. It is not always this ice-free over here, altho the prevailing winds do tend to pile the ice on the other side. I grew up in South Haven MI, also a block from the beach.

There was one year here where we had a few absolutely windless days, and the lake actually froze in smooth, clear ice. Then we got some waves, and the ice broke up. It looked like a million pieces of glass floating out there, sharp corners up.

On Saturday, June 26, 1954 there was a big wave at Montrse harbor, seven people drowned. I found articles on this in the Chicago Tribune and the New York Times. I just put them on my little blog:

This is the first time I've done this, but when I clicked on the pic on the blog, it magnified right up to where it was easily readable.

You have a great site.

Arn Nelson at Foster Beach, Chicago
(next beach north of Montrose beach)